• A fathers dream

    Well when I have tried to raise both my girls to enjoy the woods and fishing in the lakes/rivers. U guess i must have done a decent job as I got this left for me today.

    Managed to take her for a while on a catfish hunt. We managed a good box full. Afterwords, she got to enjoy giving the fish to a needy family.

    Tight lines and take a kid hunting or fishing anytime you can!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: A fathers dream started by arkansasbowhunter View original post
    Comments 21 Comments
    1. DRPEPPER's Avatar
      DRPEPPER -
      That is neat!!
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Merit badges for the teacher & pupil.
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      You'r doin' something right
    1. DCottrell's Avatar
      DCottrell -
      Nothing like it. Great times
    1. Rsw's Avatar
      Rsw -
      That's what I call quality family time!
    1. mdperson's Avatar
      mdperson -
      Great deal.
    1. crappie4me2's Avatar
      crappie4me2 -
      Man the time in the woods or water with a child is what it is all about.
    1. mb4850's Avatar
      mb4850 -
      It would be hard to say no!!!!!!
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      Good job Dad!! Thanks for letting us in on your success.
    1. arkansasbowhunter's Avatar
      arkansasbowhunter -
      Thanks guys I have been blessed with two girls but they just dont know it lol. They do just about everything dad does. My 10 year old is a heck of a spider fisher. She can run 8 rods with minimal help.
    1. blugrasmaniac's Avatar
      blugrasmaniac -
      Good stuff! Once in a while my daughter asks me, "Can we go fishing?"...makes yer heart swell!
    1. Idunno's Avatar
      Idunno -
    1. riverbull's Avatar
      riverbull -
      My daughter goes with me whenever she can--just loves crappie fishing--My son can take it or leave
      it. If kid s will go with dad,it just brings them closer .Great story--thanks for posting
    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      always great to spend time with family, enjoying fishing... priceless
    1. TexExp's Avatar
      TexExp -
      Great stuff!!
    1. Fastguy155's Avatar
      Fastguy155 -
      Lucky guy.
    1. RogerA's Avatar
      RogerA -
      Memories that will last a life time.
    1. Bobo Greybeard's Avatar
      Bobo Greybeard -
      Can't beat that at all. Raising them to love nature and to help those that are less fortunate. You should be proud. You have done it right.

    1. gill daddy's Avatar
      gill daddy -
      we need more of this
    1. specktacklure's Avatar
      specktacklure -
      Very cool !
  • .