• Driftmaster crowfoot spider rigging system received

    I got in my award from crappie.com today for winning the story contest. I got it put together and wow is all I can say. I really didn't think the bow of my boat was going to be wide enough, but it fits perfectly. the back of the boat is not deep enough behind the seat hole for it to fit without hanging over the little well in front of the motor ang gouging my fiberglass. I am attaching pics. yall tell me what yall think. hopefully me and little man can test drive it this weekend.


    front of the boat from the driveway

    behind the front seats

    back of the boat

    This article was originally published in forum thread: driftmaster crowfoot spider rigging system started by docwaldo View original post
    Comments 19 Comments
    1. DCottrell's Avatar
      DCottrell -
      Awesome setup, I really like the twin seat post up front.
    1. Professor Gadget's Avatar
      Professor Gadget -
      Wow, looks great, wish I could set my boat for those. As for the rig for the back, how about measuring how much the arc for the rod holders needs to go back towards the driver to get out of the splash well and take it to an aluminum welder and have that person cut that much out ofthe longitudinal piece that runs toward the motor and reweld it. I'm just looking at it 2d and there might not be enough room to put your feet when you set down but I think you might be able to re-engineer it some way to get it to fit. Good fishing and catching.
    1. slabseeker1's Avatar
      slabseeker1 -
      How Awesome! So glad you won. Have you ever tried spider rigging? Best way to enjoy a good cup of coffee! I think Uncle Lewis would be proud, and look, another gold medal!
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Well now that you have taken up all the room in your boat with some awesome spider riggin', maybe the rest of us will have a chance to win the next one...
      Very well set up boat you have and hope you bring it down to Toledo Bend in January and let someone go fishin' with you. Oh.........did I say congrats to you?
      Thanks for sharing the photo and hope you livewell gets filled on every trip.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      looks good
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      nice outfit congrats
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Looks good up front Mark. Poor fish.
    1. Fiishergurl's Avatar
      Fiishergurl -

    1. blugrasmaniac's Avatar
      blugrasmaniac -
      That's really nice - I like the way the T-bar is on the floor - not up in the air.
    1. vic n's Avatar
      vic n -
      I would re-drill the hole for the seat post bolt, to up where that logo is located. That would move the whole unit towards the front of the boat, but you wouldn't lose leg room. It might sit on top of that hatch, tho
    1. shadow's Avatar
      shadow -
      Hey Mark, I thought gill netting was banned in Louisiana! I see the crappie doing this Congrats by the way, looks good!
    1. try'n hard's Avatar
      try'n hard -
      I like that.... What is the official retail value of something like that?
    1. mike4100's Avatar
      mike4100 -
      I like that.
    1. sticksteer's Avatar
      sticksteer -
      thats a sweet set up
    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      congrats, looks like a nice setup
    1. Gindog's Avatar
      Gindog -
      looks good
    1. specktacklure's Avatar
      specktacklure -
      nice set-up, awesome prize too !!
    1. riverbull's Avatar
      riverbull -
      don't forget to leave some for seed ha
    1. Eagle 1's Avatar
      Eagle 1 -
      looks good ,should be easy to get on/off as well .
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