• I got some great news recently

    Some of you guys may have recognized my avatar picture as the Ribbon for Multiple Sclerosis. I have volunteered with the Oklahoma chapter of the MS Society going on 9 years next month. It started out easily enough. I had a fellow cycling buddy as me if I wanted to drive a SAG (support and gear) truck for the MS 150 bike tour almost 9 years ago. I asked what all was involved and he basically told me that they would give me a new truck for the weekend and my job would be to pick up "HitchHikers" in spandex. In return I would meet a bunch of new people, help out a great charity, get to drive a new truck, free camping and free food for the weekend with all the free beer I could drink at the Saturday night party that is held every year during the event. I told him sure I would do it.

    It was a an interesting event that year. We (the ride) had a major accident for the first time in the 19 years the event had been happening. I was the first on the scene that day. I guess I handled myself properly because the next year they asked me back, but they wanted me on the planning committee,safety committee and they also wanted me to run all of the SAG trucks. It has truly been a life changing duty for me. I have met some great people and this is now a charity that is extremely close to my heart.

    I have now been running all of the SAG support for the last 8 years, along with being on a few committees and helping the organization in any way that I could. I have made lifetime friends, started a DIY fundraising effort to help raise awareness about this decease that affects so many people. I have even built a 1938 Ford P.U. rat rod to lead events with.

    Anyway back to the story. Last week on Tuesday August 13th, I received a phone call from the president of the Oklahoma Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. He offered me a job making a considerable amount more than I was making at my other job. It is only a temporary position, but it is leading to a full time salary position if everything goes right. They want me to basically make sure all of the supplies and vendors are in place for a few of the events coming up this fall including the BikeMS event.

    Long story made a little shorter. I am now the “Logistics Coordinator” for theOklahoma Chapter of the NMSS’s Bike MS and various MS walks through the end of the year. This is a 40 to 60 hour a week job for the next few weeks. I will mainly be making sure everything and everyone that is suppose be someplace will be where they are suppose to be. With this job comes a company truck, a laptop, my own office, a minor expense account and the job of helping out a great charity that has become dear to my heart.

    Thank you for reading if you are still reading this as long as it is.


    Pictures are below.

    My Hot Rod that I built to help raise awareness and my company truck. BTW Toyota is a national sponsor of the MS Society. I prefer Fords but I am not going to complain about having this Toyota for a company truck. It's a 2014 Tundra donated by Toyota to the Oklahoma Chapter.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: I got some great news recently started by Bobo Greybeard View original post
    Comments 14 Comments
    1. cricket george's Avatar
      cricket george -
      , WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Nice lookin Hot Rod - Black and low on the chrome
    1. Taylorx2's Avatar
      Taylorx2 -
      That is great, My wife and I have rode in a MS 150 The past 5 years in Tennessee and LOVE it. The Memphis ride is coming up in Sept. but we will not be riding because of a knee injury for her and a lower back injury for me. You SAG folks are wonderful keep up the good work and congrats on the new job.....
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
    1. DCottrell's Avatar
      DCottrell -
      Wow, Looks like it was a win win situation for everyone. Great Job.
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      BoBo, that is heroic in my eyes. Thank you !
    1. PawPaw Gene's Avatar
      PawPaw Gene -
      I admire your dedication to a worthy cause. I know the position is a serious one but it sounds like it's also fun.
    1. BamaFan's Avatar
      BamaFan -
      Your a good man Bobo! I love the rat rod!
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
    1. chucktx's Avatar
      chucktx -
      a big congrats to you!!!!!!!
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      good stuff congrats
    1. ronetone's Avatar
      ronetone -
      congrats and a nice looking hot rod
    1. jordy1380's Avatar
      jordy1380 -
      Sweet cars!
    1. Smokey7385's Avatar
      Smokey7385 -
      Congratulations. I've ridden in several MS150s in NE Kansas. I'll have to check out the Okie ride and see if maybe I can make one of them.
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