• Sunday afternoon fishing

    After getting all my work done about noontime, I took a chance that 870 would be recovering from his full belly Saturday and might be in the mood to take a jaunt and gave him a call. He called back shortly to say yes and plans were made to fish a public lake that he'd never fished and I've only fished a couple of times.
    We launched in to a stiff NE wind with cloudy but clearing skies about 3:30 and quickly decided to head to the distant shoreline that might be a bit less windy.
    We were fishing pretty shallow water, less than 10' for the most part and we were soon bringin' in the fish of various species and sizes. We each caught bass, crappie, pickerel, yellow perch, bluegills and rock bass. For a long time, most of the crappie we caught were small, 8" or less, like this one.

    Quite a few bluegills with nice color like this one.

    Small pickerel were a nuisance today, ranging from maybe 7" up 11 or 12" for the most part, with only one being just about legal at 15". We were happy when they got off at the boatside so we didn't have to handle them.
    I managed to contribute 2 keeper crappie to the cooler. They came on consecutive drops to the side of a big underwater rock; a bit of a vertical jig with the Crappie Magnet in Percy color and BAM, keeper to the boat.

    A glance in to the cooler at trips end about 6:15 revealed that out of the 66 fish we boated today, 3 crappie and a big perch were going home with 870 for his dinner.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Sunday afternoon fishing, 5-19 started by 6poundtest View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Wow, sounds like an awesome day. Thanks for sharing
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      What Dave said. I agree.
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      You have been on the fish for sure! Thanks for sharing with us
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