• Bayou Lacomb, Fun On Da Bayou

    Launched 10 minutes from my front door on Da Bayou Lacombe at 10 am by 12 noon I had 16 slabs all over 9 1/2" and 4 over 12". Big thick Blacks. I stopped at a favorite spot and caught one and watched the others all head into the grass closer to the bank. Turned off Live Scope because the grass and stuff was too thick to see anything and started using the presentation ROJO taught me recently. Dropping jig straight down into the grass and Lillies. Shallow at first and then down deeper if necessary. KABOOM!!! Used a 14 ft jigging pole with a 1/32 oz jig head with a panfish assassin salt and pepper. Would never have caught these fish without Rojo showing me how to present the bait. Sacalait fishing truly is a thinking mans game like Rojo preaches. THANK YOU Rojo for sharing your years of experience with this old man. It has not gone to waste. My grandson will learn it and pass it on.

    BON TEMPS !!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Bayou Lacombe 5/8/2024 Fun On Da Bayou started by BON TEMPS View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      Thanks for sharing a great time on the water with us. I’ll have to do more fistful thinking.
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Awesome job and great post. I’m sure Rojo is happy knowing this and that his teachings will be passed on.
    1. Rojo's Avatar
      Rojo -
      Guy's this is a very unique Old Dog as He can learn new tricks.................also good company to fish with.
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Very nice catch.
    1. Jamesdean's Avatar
      Jamesdean -
      Sometimes the student outshines the teacher...Whether that happened or not, well lets just say dem some good eats mon ami...great job. Good on ya to pass the technique on to the next generation...
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