• Coquille St. Jaques & Charbroiled Scallops

    Well at it again. One of my wife's favorite dishes. I wanted to try my new broiler pans for Charbroiling Oysters and the extra Scallops were perfect for the test.

    Started out sweating the vegetables, onions first then garlic, stirred it a bit then chopped button mushrooms. After cooking was complete and water was evaporated a bit I pulled the vegetables from the pan and started the poaching water for the Scallops.

    Once the Scallops were cooked I removed then from the water and poured the water in a measuring cup for later.

    Next was the white roux and after cooking a minute I added the retained poaching water and heavy cream. I cooked enough to reduce the liquid down thickening till when I scrapped the pan the liquid slowly filled the gap back in. At that point I added the scallops which I has chopped coarsely mixing everything well before spooning the mixture into Scallop Shells.

    once ready for the oven broiler I made the Charbroil Scallops pan.

    This is so easy if you have the Broiler. These new pans I found after months of searching. They are perfect. I just spray with Pam then drop in a single scallop in each recess. Afterwards adding the Drago's Charbroiled Oyster Sauce and Chopped hard grated Parm.

    For sides one monster Sweet Onion oven roasted with Tony's and Butter. Steamed Asparagus with some of the extra sauce too.

    Here we are ready to eat.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Coquille St. Jaques & Charbroiled Scallops started by Rojo View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Very nice. Excellently done
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      Can I have a Jeffro sized bowl please?
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