• You never know !

    I think that’s one of the draws to fishing , the anticipation of what’s going to end up on your hook .
    Especially when you’re targeting what I call micros .

    This morning I finally got the tire repaired ,on our only vehicle , that I found flat yesterday morning when I was about to leave to meetup with my fishing buddy.
    Our meetup didn’t happen.
    I was expecting it to take awhile and when it didn’t, I decided to head to lake McIntosh and chase some small gills .
    I took one rod combo , a 6’3” Abu Garcia Mass Beat 3 travel rod and my Shimano Soare XR 500sspg ,loaded with 2# Floroclear.
    Main lure was the mini Trout Magnet on the 1/200th ounce TM jighead.
    With this combination I can get about a 20-25’ cast .
    The xtra fast tip ( my definition) made the small guys fun . And with a light set drag , every once in awhile, one of the bigger ones would strip a few clicks off the Soare XR .

    Then as I was winding in a little bluegill , I saw a big swirl around it and immediately let the bluegill swim a little, then my line took off . I had to feather the drag with my index finger a little to keep the bass from spooling me .
    I expected the bass to let go of the bluegill , but when I finally got the predator in , I found out the tiny size 14 hook had come out of the bluegill and was hooked in the bass’s lip near the jaw .
    I ended up catching 26 gills , three green sunfish, a warmouth , and a very nice ultralight bass.
    A nice two hours .

    This article was originally published in forum thread: You never know ! started by gillchaser999 View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Awesome story and nice bass. Good job.
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Don't ya just love it when that happens.
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      Always nice to have an unexpected visitor on you line! Thanks for sharing
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