• Fish that took over an hour to catch

    I went to my recent favorite fishing hole , Lake McIntosh , this morning.
    In just a short period of time I caught five small crappies 4-6” long .
    Even on ultralight tackle small crappies are the least fighting fish that swims , IMO .
    I kept changing lures , but I either caught a crappie or nothing at all.
    I wanted to catch a gill , I didn’t care what size .
    Time for plan B .
    I left McIntosh and headed towards the Old Mill creek , but on the way checked out two places that according to Google map , should have provided public access to the creek below lake McIntosh.
    One was a soccer complex , but it looked like the creek was on the backside of the lower fields and they were fenced in .
    Got to the Mill creek and this time I had it to myself except for a guy on the other side of the creek up near the dam.
    For the next hour I threw everything I could think of and had one light hit and a follow .
    At least with the follow I knew there was something in there .
    Finally I switched to a size 12 streamer hook with a tungsten bead and a shortened black Trout Magnet . I fished for about fifteen minutes and had a couple of bumps but no hookups.
    I walked to the last lower spot I could get to and cast across and downstream, and slowly worked the TM across and back upstream twitching along the way .
    Finally a hookup ! It was a small bluegill but it fought better than any of the crappies I’d caught . On my next cast , I caught its twin .
    Then I hooked something on the bottom and lost my jig .
    It was fun casting my 5’ St Croix Premier ULM paired with a Shimano 22 Soare c20000spg .
    Love the combo , especially the reel .
    I have the 18 Soare version of this reel and it’s nice , but the 22 version is about half an ounce lighter .

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Fish that took over an hour to catch started by gillchaser999 View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Another good trip with the UL gear. Awesome.
    1. DockShootinJack's Avatar
      DockShootinJack -
      Good catches
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      Another great day! Thanks for sharing
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Good post. Thanks
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