• Crappie.com gear ......

    will git it dun !
    dusted one of my off crappe.com ballcaps and wore me an older version crappie.com t-shirt from the website store yesterday after work.
    captain of the boat had on his crappie.com ballcap I gave him too.
    the result was lots of bent rods and fish slinging as you could well imagine.
    62 to 65 degree water temps. with fish in the staged to dance soon mode.
    most productive areas were deeper waters at around 15 to17 foot deep with herds of crappie roaming to and fro on bait.
    found a few in shorter water at around 8 foot deep , but the herds were still well off the bank.
    thought maybe some had moved in tighter to the bank , but not so ....
    was a good time, mild weather and good laughs, a broke line on something large and a few fish escaped the livewell.
    Only 3 throwbacks , one bass , one warmouth and one 9.75 inch crappie.
    left about dark thirty and roamed the lake pretty hard , found fish at every stop, but never could really hammer them , 3 to 5 takes and it was time to move.
    most of my fish came off a white pearl color plastic , one or 2 on a white handtie jig and 1 or 2 on black and chart as well, didn't carry any other colors with me this visit ...packing light was me ...
    bank folks said about dark some were coming to the shoreline the day before.
    more fish than water in the livewell is a good thing ...and ....
    KABOOM is the word

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Crappie.com gear ...... started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. BAMA S's Avatar
      BAMA S -
      Nice day on water ….
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      Awesome fish. Good job and good groceries. KABOOM!
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Very nice ketch.
    1. up2specks's Avatar
      up2specks -
      Nice day/results/post!
    1. DockShootinJack's Avatar
      DockShootinJack -
      Certainly some mighty fine gear
    1. Rojo's Avatar
      Rojo -
      I think the "Seasoned" Crappie.com Gear attracts more fish. Wear your worst but catch'n the best!
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      The boss has dressed me well too and I’m happy to have it on whenever I can. I even wear the shirts to the gun club. Someone has to expand their horizons!
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Some good ones there, thanks for sharing.
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