• A Lack of Exposure maybe ?

    Sometimes in certain circumstances, a lack of exposure could be your downfall. Wanted to say Merry Christmas to my friend that owns the dock I frequent on my lunch breaks.
    After saying Hello and Merry Christmas and handing a big ole Christmas turkey to him, I ambled down the way a bit to see if some fish might want to cooperate.
    Had on a jacket, long sleeve shirt and of course a trusty Crappie.com T-shirt under it all to complete the ensemble.
    Well to say the bite was slow would be an understatement, bought though it was a striped weasel event and THEN >>>>
    K A B O O M ! Man, what a THUMP, set the hook and then it began. Thought boy howdy, saddle up Cowboy, this here is a MONSTER crappie and "if" I can land it, there will be some selfies ......
    So to and fro we went with me just at least wanting to get a glimpse of said MONSTER and sure enough after a bit, a white big, shouldered form rolled down deep and my heart skipped a beat, thought holy you know what that is a beast of a crappie right there.
    A few more forever moments as it pulled hard under the dock and took drag and then the depression set in .....
    A ding dong drum and the moral of this fish story is this .....for sure NOT a crappie ....
    A Lack of Exposure maybe the problem, not exposing your Crappie.com paraphernalia could cause you to ketch an ever-dreaded drum fish, yet again more scientific evidence about my Crappie.com theories....
    p.s. white hand tie in case you needed to know

    mind you this as well , there were some crappie involved , but yet again not in the numbers I prefer and or the size range expectable either, yet again, most likely caused ...by .... A Lack of Exposure maybe ?

    This article was originally published in forum thread: A Lack of Exposure maybe ? started by Ketchn View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. DockShootinJack's Avatar
      DockShootinJack -
      Good times
    1. ripnlips's Avatar
      ripnlips -
      Brought a smile to my face thanks. Then dummies put a good bend on the poles.
    1. SuperDave336's Avatar
      SuperDave336 -
      I imagine the fight was a blast. Show that cdc gear…..lol
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Good post. Some days you eat the bear and then, well you know.
    1. hdhntr's Avatar
      hdhntr -
      the old drum major showed up and made a ruckus. They are usually a great fight tho you figure out it's not a crappie pretty quick.
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