• Before the sun.

    I was up and my morning routine done, so off I went. Already hooked from the night before I was floating in mere minutes. Started slow but well, fish number three went in the box. Had it planned that if the fish cooperated I would keep about 5 good ones and make fish for dinner. They cooperated. Nothing but 2lb rigs in the boat today. I had two in the box and I saw a fish swirl. I thought that if he’s already wound up he may make a mistake. He did, and that was the beginning of the best time fishing this year so far.1/32 and a baby Shad had the size and fall rate spot on and it was busy for the next hour and a half. I caught lots of dressed males and an occasional female still swollen, though not stretched tight like some I’ve seen. Those all got released including this one.

    Even got a visit from an old friend that I hope to see more of in the coming weeks when they go to spawn.

    But I was glad that I didn’t use ice today and just put water in the cooler cuz they kept biting and I started culling so I didn’t take home more than I had planned on. Small ones would bite then a big one would bend the rod and pull drag. Great fun. It was then I noticed the river traffic building and I didn’t want to educate anyone about where I fish so I packed and left, I’d been out just over three hours. In at just before six and out just after nine. I had six very nice fish in the box and I’m very sure that I landed over 30 fish and those I kept were between 13 1/2 and 14 3/4. They’re already filleted and will be dinner for us and the kids. Thanks for joining me on the best of the year for me and hopefully not the last. I’ll be looking for ya when I go again, holler and say hello. Til then…………. Skeet

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Before the sun. started by skeetbum View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Very nice
    1. Rob206's Avatar
      Rob206 -
      Great looking fish.
    1. SpeckledSlab's Avatar
      SpeckledSlab -
      Nice catch and post. Thanks Skeet.
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
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