• Had to work for them yesterday

    I thought the hard water season might have been over after the warm temps on Wednesday and Thursday and quite a bit of rain overnight Thursday into Friday. Then the bottom fell out of the thermometer mid morning on Friday and hasn't been above freezing since. I headed out on Saturday morning, hoping to find safe ice and lo and behold, my chosen spot still had a solid 10" of good ice, some spots still had 12!
    I headed out to the deepest part of the basin, since I've had very limited results in shallow. I'd like to do more catch and release fishing in say, 20' or less of water but I'm not finding the fish there. I'll bet they are there but I haven't figured out that system yet. Didn't take me long to locate some marks and drop down to them but they were pretty tight lipped and I had to work them carefully. These 3 came from right on the bottom; I sure was happy to see the crappie come up to the hole.

    Alas, those would be the only crappie of the day and the last picture as it began to snow pretty good shortly after. I ended up with a total of 7 good perch and the 2 crappie.

    Turned some of them in to dinner tonight, "baked parmesan" style for my daughter and I. It has become a family favorite way to prepare them.

    We did them in!

    I may have another trip or 2 before the season ends but some warm weather is on tap for the next couple of days and with the sun getting stronger every day, the ice gets punky pretty fast and I'm not so dedicated that I'm going to take stupid chances to get one more trip in.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Had to work for them yesterday started by 6poundtest View original post
    Comments 6 Comments
    1. Barnacle Bill's Avatar
      Barnacle Bill -
      Where did they disappear to? Never mind, I see the fork.
    1. Fishin' Fool MA's Avatar
      Fishin' Fool MA -
      Nice outing and great looking meal. Kep up the good times. Tight lines.
    1. BuckeyeCrappie's Avatar
      BuckeyeCrappie -
      Nice day out for sure. Your fillets look delicious.
    1. Rob206's Avatar
      Rob206 -
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      Tasty rewards
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Glad you got some for dinner. I did a lot of ice fishing in my younger days. I live in Virginia now and no ice fishing here. They must have tasted good, I see the pan was cleaned out.
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