• Observations On The Water - By CrappiePro

    Are you an observant fisherman? I think we would all like to answer YES to that question. You know some of the best fisherman I know are the one’s able from the night before to observe weather patterns, wind direction, and time of year to know the where, how, and when to put fish in the boat. But you know… it goes much deeper than that. I think allot of times guys get TOO tuned into their depth finders and don’t pay enough attention on what’s going on around them, (I’m guilty of that I admit). The best anglers I know are able to look around as soon as they get to a lake and identify likely places to catch crappie. As they fish, you constantly see them looking around at their prey’s environment looking for clues on the why, where, and how of catching crappie. Here’s some good things to look for when your on the water.

    As your fishing along a bank always look at what’s on the bank. More times than not if you see an irregular feature there is a good chance of crappie being around. Little cuts in the bank, small coves, shallow flat’s or points, lay downs or wood of any type are all likely spots where crappie could be holding.

    I see it all the time while spider rigging close to a bank seems I always do better when I get around one of those irregular features as opposed to a straight bank.

    Baitfish... you should constantly be looking for bait fish movement on the water. By watching baitfish on the surface you may get a good clue where fish are holding. Always remember panic baitfish jumps on the surface are telling you that fish are feeding on them below. Those fish just might be big slab crappie.

    Certain birds like cranes seagulls and coots feeding in an area can tell you where bait fish are thus showing you likely crappie holding spots. The one bird I run from is a cormorant or some call a water turkey. These birds hunt by the hundred’s and create a wave of destruction in their path feeding on everything and scare every fish in their path even the crappie will run from these birds, and so should you.

    Wind direction and shade. You should always be looking at the way the wind is moving across the water and how shade my help you to catch fish. I love spots where the wind blows into a point creating a calm area on the other side where crappie gather to ambush prey and if that bank is shaded by a high bank you could be observing Silver Glory.

    Watching other boats gathering up is always a dead give-away crappie are in an area. You may not want to charge into that crowd...but you still have a good idea where fish are being caught or may want to fish the outskirts of that area. An area with boats should be telling you HEY!!! There may be some fish being caught there and is always a good thing to put this into your memory banks for a later date.

    Cover to me is always an important factor especially when I’m fishing shallower water. Crappie love cover and shade for this one important reason. They can see better…looking out from cover and the shade it provides, thus being able to ambush their prey better. You should always be very observant of the available cover you have in a certain area of the lake throughout your day of fishing and how the shade is relating to that cover.

    These are a few things to look for while on the water. Please feel free to add some key observation you have made while fishing. I’m sure we would like to hear about them. I am always Leary when I fish with someone who is constantly looking around and keeping an eye on his depth finder at the same time. It’s these type of guys I’m Leary of because I know they are observant fisherman and I better put my game face on.

    Tight Lines…

    Written by Crappie.com member CrappiePro

    Comments 27 Comments
    1. royinlox's Avatar
      royinlox -
      I've fished lake okeechobee for many years with a 14' jon boat looking for little nooks to wonder in for crappie. It's not only wise to observe but to listen. I have made the mistake to get right on top of bedding gators that were as long as the jon boat. ever tried to back up a jon boat?
    1. Mikie's Avatar
      Mikie -
      Hate them water turkeys especially the ones without feathers
    1. revitup's Avatar
      revitup -
      This is an area I need work. thanks for the article.
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Good read, I fish out of my kayak without a fish finder. So I allways look at the waters edge contour, depth, and structure. Drop offs and coves are great, specialy if they have cover to hold stalking fish.
    1. Idunno's Avatar
      Idunno -
      Great read. I especially like school of bait fish, points and creek mouths in the back of coves.

    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Good read.....all these tips worked for us before we got the fancy fish finders and they still work good for us today.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      I'm a bank watcher too and still trying to use the ff to find the holes and humps. Watching the depthfinder will cause you to
      miss the minnows being chased out of the water. I'm finding myself paying too much attention to too many things at the same
      time and forgetting to watch my line. I may have started using my depthfinder too late in life......LOL.
    1. Lotech Joe's Avatar
      Lotech Joe -
      All great information. Sometimes it seems like there's an overload of info for the fisherman to adhere to. Many times I feel like there's so much info that I get overloaded and can't utilize a lot of it. I call that Information Constipation. Wind, sun, water temp, air temp, cloud cover, barometric pressure, food base, moon phase and the list goes on. I wonder if I'll ever get it all down pat. Great article though.
    1. Lotech Joe's Avatar
      Lotech Joe -
      Lots of good information. I wish I could remember it all.
    1. ifish4redd's Avatar
      ifish4redd -
      Good read lot of info
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Hey, as long as everyone is out there looking around.... Please keep an eye out for my car keys.
    1. jordy1380's Avatar
      jordy1380 -
      There are some cormorants on the move through NE i've been hearing...they are a federally protected bird but I wish we could blast em!
    1. CrappiePro's Avatar
      CrappiePro -
      Quote Originally Posted by jordy1380 View Post
      There are some cormorants on the move through NE i've been hearing...they are a federally protected bird but I wish we could blast em!
      I second that motion...I see the injury's they cos to crappie from thier bites all the time here on Conway. They move across the water in waves injuring or killing 10-14 inch crappie. They are one mean bird to a crappie and need a population reduction.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great read
    1. Big Crappie 2's Avatar
      Big Crappie 2 -
      I love walking the banks around the lakes we have here. You can tell where most people fish and sometimes leave their catches remains. I was walking a local hotspot lake and happened upon some stashed gear from ,looked like the nite before. As I nosied around making sure no one had fallen in the water, I came upon some filleted skeletons of some very large crappie and a few trash mouths with a striper thrown in. Not wanting to be there if the fisherman came back, I headed back to my truck and thought to myself, what if I can see these guys at nite? I could, and when I'm on my way to one of my,uh, their hotspots,if I don't see the light on, it's my hotspot and really does good for my freezer! never been skunked from that spot
    1. Crappiegirl1's Avatar
      Crappiegirl1 -
      Very good read! Enjoyed it very much
    1. boatdocksam's Avatar
      boatdocksam -
      good read.CC has its share of water turkeys.both kinds.
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Mud lines are another good place to fish. Wind, waves and wakes wash against the shore and if you have blow downs near by the crappie will hang just off the muddy water line near cover.
      Good Fishing.
    1. CrappiePro's Avatar
      CrappiePro -
      Quote Originally Posted by Dave and Lynn View Post
      Mud lines are another good place to fish. Wind, waves and wakes wash against the shore and if you have blow downs near by the crappie will hang just off the muddy water line near cover.
      Good Fishing.
      Right On!!! Great Observation on the water.
    1. drifterdon's Avatar
      drifterdon -
      Absolutely right on about focusing too much on the FF.
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