• Beginner Guide

    We had Jared and his 4 year old son Luke with us this morning
    The coolest think was not the 40 big fish they caught but watching Ivan.
    The crappie were spooky and when we would find a tree with fish on it you had just a minute after the first fish was caught before the others would scatter like a covey of Quail.
    Ivan would wait for Luke to get one on before he would pitch his jig. Fine behavior for a 11 year old.
    All fish caught on standing timber 20’ of water about half way down. 50-50 split between Ivan’s gray jigs and Luke’s minnows under a slip cork

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Beginner Guide started by Buff58 View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. gravelman6's Avatar
      gravelman6 -
      A good day with the young men way to go
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Good job
    1. GoTennTitans's Avatar
      GoTennTitans -
      Looks good, Man. I see a 2020 calendar pic there!
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      good times
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