• LOP Texas

    I fished all week with my nephew that visiting from Lake Livingston. We only had mediocre luck catching and caught the most on jigs. He left yesterday for home so I went this morning and brought home 24 and all was caught on minnows except for two. They have moved into the main body of the lake. I had to keep moving all morning. Have a blessed day!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: LOP started by oliverb View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. GoTennTitans's Avatar
      GoTennTitans -
      My uncle, Bob Stratton, used to fish Lake of the Pines. Looks like a good time!
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Nice crappie. Thanks for sharing the report and picture.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Good job
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      Someday I wanna go to that lake .....looks fun
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