• Operation north state

    I want to personally thank every veteran for serving our country. Had an awesome time today taking a vet fishing. I believe there were 63 boats today and around 65 vets. The vet I had in my boat today had never crappie fished before,my fishing buddy Scott helped me also. We keep 9 crappie today , had three over 14" with the biggest being 14 3/4" all the others were between 12" and 13 1/2" through one 9" back. Our biggest fish was 1.88oz. These fish were long but not a lot of weight to them. Our vet won biggest fish for the crappie division. Can't wait to go to Badien next Thursday for ONS.
    To see the smile on the faces of our vets is well worth my time take one fishing. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

    Sent from my iPhone using Crappie.com Fishing mobile app
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Operation north state started by Jig Puller View original post
    Comments 13 Comments
    1. gravelman6's Avatar
      gravelman6 -
      God Bless you Jig Puller for volunteering your service with the Veterans. You made some veterans very happy. To all the veterans thanks you for your service. I am a veteran 67-69.
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      Outstanding Job Jigpuller!!! I'm sure all those folks will have a big smile when they remember this day. A great way to say thanks to all our veterans.
    1. prop 630's Avatar
      prop 630 -
      Well done Jig Puller. Thanks for volunteering to help those vets, you made a bunch of them very happy. And thank you to all the vets out there for your service.
    1. Ketchn's Avatar
      Ketchn -
      looks like good times right there , congrats to all
    1. wicklundrh's Avatar
      wicklundrh -
      Jig Puller. Thank you so much for your involvement. These events are becoming more prevalent.

      Military members live by a code. We never leave a man behind. Many of these types of events are veterans helping other veterans. We do it because of a code. The meaning is compounded when non veterans volunteer their time.

      If you are a veteran, thank you for what you have done and continue to do. If you are not a veteran, thank you for showing these men and women your support and appreciation. People have no idea what that means to us!
    1. tfr7315's Avatar
      tfr7315 -
      Great demonstration of gratitude! I know the fishing trip meant a lot to each veteran. To all my fellow veterans; thank you for your service!
    1. elkhunter's Avatar
      elkhunter -
      Hats off to all the veterans and their fishing hosts. Looks like a good time was had by all.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Nice crappie. Food, fun, fellowship, and fishing don't get much better than that. Thanks for sharing the report and pictures. Most of all I thank you veterans for what you all have done.
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great job
    1. Jwater's Avatar
      Jwater -
      Sounds like a great trip, good job
    1. TerryD's Avatar
      TerryD -
      Sounds like a good time and a great cause. I thank you for this post and your involvement. And thank you to all veterans for your service and sacrifice for our great country!
    1. Bug Officer's Avatar
      Bug Officer -
      Couldn’t have said it better. 👍

      Quote Originally Posted by wicklundrh View Post
      Jig Puller. Thank you so much for your involvement. These events are becoming more prevalent.

      Military members live by a code. We never leave a man behind. Many of these types of events are veterans helping other veterans. We do it because of a code. The meaning is compounded when non veterans volunteer their time.

      If you are a veteran, thank you for what you have done and continue to do. If you are not a veteran, thank you for showing these men and women your support and appreciation. People have no idea what that means to us!
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