• Thanks to all that share. Crappie fishermen are true americans

    All my life I have been a sportsman and I have tried to find time to enjoy the outdoors. I grew up farming with my dad so from my Early childhood until I was 40 I spent numerous hours helping or pleasing my dad. I have also worked for almost 30 years in the fire service and emergency management providing assistance to this in need. Of course like all of us, a wife, kids, work, divorce and debt has kept me out of the outdoors for pleasure more than I should have let it. I have tried to become a crappie fisherman for the last 10 years. I got to be ok in Eastern NC in the rivers, then a new marriage moved me a little far away. Learning to fish new water has been challenging. This week I went along with my wife on a conference to Greensboro NC. I thought here's my chance to go to some lakes I have heard so much about.
    I reached out for help and information on the site. Shortly Matt answered up with everything I could need except limo service to the dock and a guided trip. Many times I have asked and received from some of you on this site. I see many other postings that you answer up to. No matter if it's a new guy, trammitic health issues,what to do or where, you have come through for those in need. I want to thank Matt personally and to each of you that offer help. In this crazy time we live in it is great that so many of you have kept true to our heritage and history by enjoying the outdoors and helping us who don't make time like we should maximize our time on the water. Matt thanks for helping me catch one of the largest crappie I have ever had. Thanks for keeping my faith in us as Americans and helping each other. Thanks for making me want to be better at crappie fishing so I can pass it on.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Thanks to all that share. Crappie fishermen are true americans started by firefly2061 View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Like you I have also learned a whole lots of fishing information from this site and its members. Crappie.com is the best family friendly site on the web. Thanks goes to Slab and the moderators and everyone that has joined this great crappie fishing site. Also other crappie fishermen that are out there and not a part of this great site join up today and start sharing your fishing know how with us. Thanks Firefly2061 very much for this post.
    1. dannyr3_8's Avatar
      dannyr3_8 -
      nicely said
    1. elkhunter's Avatar
      elkhunter -
      X2. Well said.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      X3....well said
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