• 100 trees find a new home

    It took 2 weeks of collecting from people's driveways, 1 week of cementing in buckets, and 3 trips to the lake with two trucks, one trailer and one boat each trip, but 100 trees have found a new home in lake Logan Martin. Put 7 to 9 in each location. Tried to find places that the fish might hold on when they are not in the coves for the spawn (I will continue to long line for those fat little buggers! Was a lot of hard work and hopefully it pays off. Not sure how long before they will hold fish, but I'll start checking them this fall!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: 100 trees find a new home started by usafret99 View original post
    Comments 10 Comments
    1. hdhntr's Avatar
      hdhntr -
      THAT's how you do it guys! Nice!
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Good job. Fish habitat "Build it and they will come". Thanks for sharing the article and pictures.
    1. Special K's Avatar
      Special K -
      NICE!!! I know it's a lot of hard work, but you should reap lots of great rewards for a good while having done it.
    1. Dv68's Avatar
      Dv68 -
      Just wondering? I have seen where it was recommended to let the needles dry and fall off before sinking. Also to cut branches to make holes so fish can get in and "hide" and to get in shade in summer. Fish will be there within a week if in an attractant location.
    1. Speck Detector's Avatar
      Speck Detector -
      Recycling....sure beats their other destination, I'm sure they'll produce well for ya !
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      I know the work you put into all that, I've done it myself. You'll catch some fish out of all of them at one time or another. Good job Mister, the proof will be in the fillets.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Way to go.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Good job
    1. crappiebum_kc's Avatar
      crappiebum_kc -
      Nice job
    1. Crappiegirl1's Avatar
      Crappiegirl1 -
      looks great. i cant even get my son or husband to help me put one out and i live on the lakes----
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