• After the dust has settled !

    We was in a war last night.Them N.C. boys came to hunt. It was a great night and I think everyone had a great time. They was more food than newly could have eaten. A super turnout on a super afternoon and night. First let me do the hard stuff. Many many Thanks to our Dawgg for doing a great BBQ. We gonna do that again if you cookin. And to everyone that brought food or drinks or whatever. Thanks. For the donations to the prize fund many Thanks to you folks. ( Sam , I got your message just been crazy and aint got back) But Thank you. It went to a very deserving person that can use it. Dont know what else to say , BUT THANKS TO ALL ! Glad for the new faces. Some of these folks rode 2 1/2 hrs. to participate.Hope everyone made it back home safe and sound. Great to meet you guys. And when you get something going post up. All our trailers got wheels on em. Finally a special Thanks to The Dawgg , turkeyfoot, and ScooperDude for all the time you guys put in on this. Ya,ll made it work.

    So now the good part. Well guess that depends on which team you were on. We had a total of 15 boats participate this time. What a crowd. I t was a bit heavy leaning to the S.C. gang. So after some discussion it was decided that each N.C. boat would weigh in 5 fish per boat. Now the screwed up part. At splash time S.C. was counted at 8 boats. However at weigh in they had 10 boats. So to make it back to original plans 2 S.C. boats dropped out of the total state weigh in. S.C. boats could only weigh 4 fish per boat. Hey I am still confused. But in the end everyone agreed to the makeshift rules and it was settled. The N.C. team had a total weight of 16.78 lbs. Congratulations guys. The S.C. team had a total of 27.71 lbs. Congratulations S.C.
    I think it was a slow night for all but the guys that found fish found good ones. Hope everyone had fun and got plenty to eat.
    and by the way.... newly was skeered after all !
    Thanks everyone.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: After the dust has settled ! started by ofishlbizzness View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Look's like everyone had lot's of food, fun, good fellowship and the fishing is always a plus. Thanks for sharing the report and pictures.
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Looks like fun.
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Awesome!! You guys know how to do it. Even with the confusion. lol
    1. Frank Cecil's Avatar
      Frank Cecil -
      Looks like a good time was had by all. Lots of food and story telling
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