• Fishing with wife on Lake Henderson

    Went fishing with my wife today on Lake Henderson in Inverness. This was my first trip to Henderson crappie fishing and it turned out pretty good. We finally started fishing around 8:30 and caught our first fish 10 minutes later, 1lb 11oz. The bite was pretty good until around 10:30. We ended up catching 15 specs and 6 bass. Took home 12 specks. The 7 big speck weight was 8lb 11oz. My wife had a blast landing a 4 lb bass on her 12 ft crappie pole. That drag was screaming for quite a while. I couldn't offer her any help because I had 2 bass on at the same time, one on each side of the boat. Must have went through a school. So overall it was a great day on Lake Henderson....

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Fishing with wife on Lake Henderson 10-14-15 started by Crappie Inspecktor View original post
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. gravelman6's Avatar
      gravelman6 -
      Nice catch, great pictures thanks for sharing the trip with us.
    1. scrat's Avatar
      scrat -
      Wow! Get the grease hot. Nice catch.
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Nice catch.
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Good lookin' crappies for sure. Good to hear the wife enjoyed the outing.
    1. elkhunter's Avatar
      elkhunter -
      Nice catch, congratulations
    1. PawPaw Gene's Avatar
      PawPaw Gene -
      Awesome, great to have the wife in on the trip and doing her share of catching.
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Great fishing trip!!!
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Very nice. Sounds like a great time. Good for you both.
    1. Luvfatslabs's Avatar
      Luvfatslabs -
      Good mess of fish
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