• To the Crappie Gardeners

    How are yalls gardens doing. I wanted to share my experimental Cajun green house with yall. My garden is 25ftx40ft with a 5ft fence and an 8ft frame down the center. I took 2 20ftx50ft sheets of 6ml visqueen for the cover. To open I can roll the sides to the center. To vent I can the south side up (see pic). For heat I use a space heater. I was able to keep the air temp in the 40s when we had that hard freeze a while back. At the moment I have 13 20ft rows. I have growing broccoli, 7 varieties of lettuce, turnips, cabbage, mustard greens, spinach, Swiss chard, sugar snap and snow peas. I am currently building 3 2ftx5ft cold frames for planting seedlings. Next months project will be putting a 2ft wide planter around the outside of the fence for green beans and cucumbers. I am going to use recycled cider fence boards to build the planter. I only plant heirloom seeds. I plant by the moon and the almanac. The garden is 100% organic. I use fish heads, manure, compost, and mulch for fertilizer. When I weed I leave clover growing for nitrogen. I keep the garden going year round. Once a row is harvested or finished producing a different vegetable is rotated in. In the past I froze and gave away most of the produce I harvested. This year I am going to start canning. I bought a 16qt Presto canner and a 9qt pressure cooker. My goal next year is to fill the pantry with all natural foods. My first attempt at canning was jellies. If you haven't had satsuma jelly yet you have no idea how good jelly can be.....lol. I tried canning mustard greens the other day. Here is a helpful hint. Make sure you skim all the fat off the pot liquor. Oil can get hotter than water and it will escape the jar during the process. I hope this post gets the gardeners exited about spring being just around the corner.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: To the Crappie Gardeners started by saute86 View original post
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. DCottrell's Avatar
      DCottrell -
    1. bigarm's Avatar
      bigarm -
      Great read and pics of the garden. Congrats
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      real cool. Been in a bunch of greenhouses that grew tropical plants and flowers but not veggies. Good luck with it all.
    1. kickingback's Avatar
      kickingback -
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Very nice read
    1. kycreek's Avatar
      kycreek -
      Great read & pics
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Great garden and idea.
    1. mermentau's Avatar
      mermentau -
      Got to show this to my wife. She loves to winter garden.
    1. liftbite56's Avatar
      liftbite56 -
      That is a beautiful thing! I love growing diffrent things! I love heirloom tomatoes purple, black, yellow. Great for salsas! The greens might be my favorite !
    1. Thebigjig's Avatar
      Thebigjig -
      do you not have any problems with rain water building up on the plastic?
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      looks good
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      You garden the same way we used too when we gardened. Great photos too.
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