• The Great Lake Harney Slabtogether

    Eight boats and 10 dedicated crappie.com fishermen showed up around 6AM this morning ready for a day of fishing on Lake Harney. None of us knew what to expect as far as the bite. We were prepared for a mild morning with winds of 4 to 5 mph. The temp was 48°. When we left the river going into the Lake we were met with WIND and white caps! Weatherman was WRONG again! So, just about everybody headed for the north side of the lake to find some calmer water. Not much of a bite there and after the sun came up good the wind began to calm and folks went in several different directions. I went to the SW part of the lake where we caught 30 fish by noon.

    Just about all the fish caught today were in the 1 1/2 lb range with several pushing 2 lbs and one over 2 lbs. THESE WERE 15" FISH FOLKS! Watch out Talquin and Crescent... Harney's knocking!

    Great day of fishing and fellowship!

    Here are some pictures.....I don't have all the weights and details and flycaster is without internet at the moment. As soon as he's up and running he'll add the details.

    Russ and Stu talking over a game plan ready to head out

    Sunrise over Lake Harney

    Flycaster with his big fish of the day

    Crapslabstu with a couple of big ones

    Spectacklure with some scale breakers

    Pontoon pappy with the big fish of the day

    The winners

    OH YEA! Rooster tail ran out of gas JADA!!!
    65Pontiac's towing/rescue at work

    Flycaster later posted:
    Results of Lake Harney November 15, 2014.

    Big Fish: Pontoon Pappy 2 Lb. 1.3 oz

    Heaviest 5 fish:

    Specktacklure: 7 Lb. 8.0 oz. First Place -------- Big Fish: 1 Lb. 12.0 oz.
    CrapSlabStu: 7Lb. 5.0 oz. Second place ------ Big fish: 1 Lb. 12.8 oz.
    Pontoon Pappy: 6 Lb. 10.5 oz. Third Place ----- Big fish: 2 Lb. 1.3 oz.
    Speckanator: 6 Lb. 6.0 oz. ----------------------- Big fish: 1 Lb. 5.6oz.
    65Pontiac : 6 Lb. 0.0 oz
    Crappieday: 5 Lb. 14.5 oz. ------------------------ Big fish: 1 Lb. 7.5oz.
    Roostertail: 5 Lb. 0.0 oz. -------------------------- Big fish: 1 Lb. 7.2 oz.
    Flycaster: 3 fish – 3 Lb. 11.5 oz. -------------------Big fish: 1 Lb. 15 oz.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: The Great Lake Harney Slabtogether started by Speckanator View original post
    Comments 12 Comments
    1. CCcrappiejohn's Avatar
      CCcrappiejohn -
    1. bee's Avatar
      bee -
      You guys aren't playing nice. I need some of that
    1. broz's Avatar
      broz -
      Look to be a nice trip
    1. Speckanator's Avatar
      Speckanator -
      Come on down fellers ....it's been T shirt weather and the fish are biting
    1. LSL Angler's Avatar
      LSL Angler -
      Looks like a fun time and a lot of nice slabs, congrats.
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Nice Feesh
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      good times
    1. bigarm's Avatar
      bigarm -
      Great times and great pics Thanks
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Wow Nice fish.
    1. brucec's Avatar
      brucec -
      Nice slabs, looks like a good time!!!!!!!!!
    1. specktacklure's Avatar
      specktacklure -
      great times & good fish !!
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Great day for you fellows, nice looking slabs.
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