• Crappie facts to ponder at Da Hill

    Hey guys, went to da hill this morning mostly looking rather than fishing. However, I did keep 17 nice crappie, but here are some facts about crappie right now at the hill. I was using my underwater camera and here is what I saw. 1. Crappie are really stacking up in numbers on brush in 25-30 ft. (2.) THey are deep, all the way down at the bottom. (3.) If you have bamboo, they are IN the bamboo, not around it, in it and deep. (4.) If you have brush, they are around it but near the bottom. (5.) If they have a choice between boo and brush, more crappie will be around the brush than the boo. Most of my piles have both, boo and brush, and way more fish were on the brush than in the boo. (6.) If there is only boo, plenty crappie there, but they are all up in the boo. (7.) I saw lots of crappie that were catchable, but they just wouldn't bite. Some piles would have as many as 3 or 4 hundred crappie around and in them, but they would just sit there and watch my minnow. UGGGGGHHHHHH!!! I found some crappie on some standing trees in 80 ft of water down about 20 ft, but they wouldn't bite either. Water temp here today was 88 degrees. Hope some of this is helpful to somebody.

    Stock Photo, this is not the hill
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Facts to ponder started by brushpilebrad View original post
    Comments 15 Comments
    1. Luvfatslabs's Avatar
      Luvfatslabs -
      Great info thanks for sharing
    1. Dave and Lynn's Avatar
      Dave and Lynn -
      Thanks for the report.
    1. elkhunter's Avatar
      elkhunter -
      Where is "Da Hill"?
    1. bigarm's Avatar
      bigarm -
      Nice picture of God's creation. Great info
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      good read
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
      Beautiful photo and excellent info.
    1. Inkdabber's Avatar
      Inkdabber -
      Fishing on Santee, we have found the fish holding in this same pattern all summer long. The fish are tight, and down. We're still catching plenty, but have to be more patient than normal to entice the fish. What we have learned, if you can get one or two to take the bait, a feeding frenzy will ignite making you wonder where in heck all the fish came from.

      His reference to DaHill, is slang for Clarkshill reservoir, also known as lake Strom Thurmond. It's a big lake on the South Carolina/Georgia border.
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      fantastic photo
    1. broz's Avatar
      broz -
      nice read thanks
    1. STUMP HUNTER's Avatar
      Awesome picture!!
    1. DCottrell's Avatar
      DCottrell -
      Great read
    1. BigOrangeSlab's Avatar
      BigOrangeSlab -
      great report thanks for sharing!
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      Now that's sharing. Great job
    1. hays47's Avatar
      hays47 -
      Nothing more flummoxing then fish on camera that won't bite. Ice fishing one year found a huge school of redears that were all big and schooled around a sunken bridge. Tried every thing I had from live bait to my own custom jigs and lures. Even the one I call the " never fail ". The ears turned their nose up at everything. Watched all day as they hung around that bridge. Caught a few other species but none of them big red ears.

      There are times that nothing gets the fishes attention. But some times if you go super small in your lure or bait. It may trigger them on one of those lock jaw days. For this 1/64 oz and 100 oz jigs seem to work rather well. I 'm sure most know this but there may be some it don't make sense to. I call it my " dessert " theory. Picture two guys laying under a nice shade tree and the sun is blazing hot. They have just ate a big meal of meat and taters and they ain't moving. Offers of another big steak or hamburg are not going to cause our heroes to even think about moving. But if their gals sing out " you all ready for apple pie ala mode. Chances are them boys is gonna stir around and get to moving. As the saying goes there is always room for desert.

      Late summer like it is now them crappies probably got all the " steak and taters " they can handle and they don't have to work hard to get them. Huge schools of minnows and shad makes living easy for the fish. So they ain't moving just like our human examples. But say a flashy tiny jig catches their eye and resembles their " apple pie ". Bang fish on. Seen it done on camera and blind without camera. Certainly not a 100% solution to the lockjaw but I always liked the odds of improving that days catch.
    1. Anchor Man's Avatar
      Anchor Man -
      Good information, thanks for sharing.
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