• Final Couple Weeks - 2015 Calendar Contest

    Yep, gonna do it early this year cause I found that I start planning for the next year earlier and earlier. Last year I started planning for 2014 well before the 2014 crappie.com calendars were out. And I know there are many others in the same boat.

    This is a photo contest for images to possibly be included in the 2014 Crappie.com Calendar.

    The photos have to be original, and you should have high resolution versions available.

    What I do is, I provide a prize for first, second and third place. And then I send many (maybe 40 pictures or more) of the better photos to the "secret crappie.com calendar designer/producer". He is a crappie.com member some of you may know (did I say Yikess). But anyway, he selects and designs the actual calendar based on many things including image size/quality, and the requirements for each month.

    So, submit your photos here in the following thread: http://www.crappie.com/crappie/showt...-com-Calendars and you may end up in the 2015 Crappie.com Calendar. Please also email a high resolution version of that photo to me at [email protected] and include your member name plus any additional pertinent information. Put "2015 Calendar" in the title of the email please just to make it easier for me to organize.

    The contest ends ends on July 16th 2014. PLUS anyone that submits an entry and guesses why I chose that date will automatically be entered in a raffle for a fourth prize!

    * PLEASE INCLUDE WHEN THE PIC WAS TAKEN AND "generally" WHERE, when you make your post/entry?

    Std. disclaimer: Prizes and rules subject to change without notice.

    April 2014 Rend Lake buck brush

    post them in the contest thread here:

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Calendar Photo Contest for the 2015 Crappie.com Calendars started by Slab View original post
    Comments 8 Comments
    1. Eaglehorse's Avatar
      Eaglehorse -
      Isn't she cute! A real calendar girl!
    1. Badgerloader's Avatar
      Badgerloader -
      Dad and mom's little helper.
    1. broz's Avatar
      broz -
      You got to love the kids with a nice fish
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      she could be on every month
    1. SlabLapper4sure's Avatar
      SlabLapper4sure -
      She is a real cutie pie. She represents CC well!
    1. Sawdustsavage's Avatar
      Sawdustsavage -
      Nothing in the world as sweet as a little girls smile with her fish
    1. Tracker123's Avatar
      Tracker123 -
      She is as cute as could be.
    1. Rsw's Avatar
      Rsw -
      She is a Winner!
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