• Had a little bit of fun :)

    My little boy has started to catch the fishing bug...

    he has been on me pretty to good to take him out on toledo and catch some bigger fish than the little gill's we been catching at the vernon spillway.

    so off we went to try and make it happen... Hit the lake at around 4pm yesterday, fished for an hour, then took an hour break to swim at one of the island beaches. then back at the fish for another hour or so...

    We ended up catching 10 nice sized sacs and a few bull brim (all on crappie jigs... them brim musta been hungry... lost about 5-6 tails on plastic grubs to em)

    At the beginning of the trip he decided he was gonna catch one himself so he did what i said and strolled a jig out of the back of the boat while i manned the spider rig up front.. All of a sudden i hear.. "Whoa... Hey i got something!!!"

    He was all smiles!

    No action shots but did get a picture of him today holding up a couple he caught... He was not nearly so happy about the fishing thing today when he had to pick up the fish and hold em so i could take a picture.. LOL..

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Had a little bit of fun :) started by Prowler View original post
    Comments 13 Comments
    1. Billbob's Avatar
      Billbob -
      great times
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Awesome, glad you took him. Hope he becomes addicted.
    1. crappiebum_kc's Avatar
      crappiebum_kc -
      Good job, lil man!
    1. NYHellbender's Avatar
      NYHellbender -
      WTG - Nice fish
    1. BuckeyeKdog's Avatar
      BuckeyeKdog -
      catching fish always makes em smile and hopefully keeps em coming back for more. I still take 4 nieces out a couple times a year and now am taking their children as well. I used to take all four at once, now, only one at a time and once niece is expecting her 5th and I am not sure I can get a bigger boat in to where I like to fish. But the 16' I currently use is tough for 2 to fish from and I cannot imagine 5 kids bouncing around.

      The 18' Jon I am trying to steal (Blown Motor, trashed interior, some pretty big hull dents - wants waaaay too much money for it, when he comes to his senses he may accept my offer) may work .
    1. "G"'s Avatar
      "G" -
      Good job Prowler
    1. broz's Avatar
      broz -
      Got to love the smile
    1. Eaglehorse's Avatar
      Eaglehorse -
    1. Badgerloader's Avatar
      Badgerloader -
      Good to start them young.
    1. Tracker123's Avatar
      Tracker123 -
      Way to go Alex!
    1. RetiredRR's Avatar
      RetiredRR -
    1. Crappie Kat's Avatar
      Crappie Kat -
      Great times!!
    1. Rsw's Avatar
      Rsw -
      Looks like he is going to be a fishing machine! He will make a great partner out on the water.
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