• The SLAB RIG - or - What I learned on my Winter Vacation

    REPUBLISHED BY POPULAR DEMAND (Originally published here in 2015):

    I learned a few things during this years annual migration to Florida I thought I'd share. I discovered a "new to me" long lining rig I have had some good success with. Now I am certain I've not invented anything new here, and I'm sure someone on Crappie.com probably even has posted about this style rig, but it's new to me so I'm calling it a "Slab Rig". Go ahead and make a comment if you know this to be someone else's invention. And of course I know it's not an invention, it's just style of rigging probably used a million times before. So here's how I do up what I'm now calling a SLAB RIG!

    It's simple, it has a weighted jig on the front on a loop knot, and an un-weighted hook in the back. No big deal.

    Why I like this is, the weighted jig in the front holds the rig down and the un-weighted hook 12-18 inches behind it can more easily stay out of the way of that front jig. I've found that if you use two weighted jigs and have, lets say, a curly tailed grub on the front jig, the line can tangle with it. An un-weighted hook travels better back there. And you can put a minnow on the hook, or I like to use a Bobby Garland STROLL'R. It's essentially a curly tailed grub with a real nice action. What's also unique is, I put a Bobby Garland Slab Tickler (willow leaf flasher) in front of the hook to give it even more action.

    My choice for the front weighted jig is a Road Runner. More specifically a 1/16 OZ Reality Shad with willow leaf blade. The shad and that willow leaf travel real nice through the water without placing a big drag on the line, which keeps it down and out of the way of the lure coming off the loop knot above and behind it.

    I used hi visibility line in the above pictures just so it would show up better. Normally I'd use 8-10 lb test clear Fluorocarbon line. I also would spread out the jigs a little more than pictured. The loop knot hangs down 2 or three inches, and the rear jig should be at least 12-18 inches back. Try this out, I think you might like it.

    And I've been using a 1/16 ounce Roadrunner for the front bait. You could easily use something heavier for deeper waters and the baits would run cleanly in a similar manner. Here in Florida I'm fishing shallower waters so this setup is perfect. You can let a lot a line out (about a cast, or a cast and a half), and the baits are way far away from the boat, and still running relatively shallow in these shallower waters. It's been working for me. But then again I'm no expert, you judge this technique for yourself and let me know how you like it.

    Pictured above are the necessary tools/products needed for the Slab Rig. Although not necessary, I put the smallest plastic bead I can find behind the Slab Tickler so it spins a little better. A combination of stuff from some of out great sponsors. You can even use a Donnie Gnat for the rear un-weighted hook and tip it with a minnow. I've done that too, works great.

    TTI Blakemore Tru-Turn hooks work good for the rear bait because they seem to hold the Bobby Garland STROLL'R better. Slap a Slab Tickler in front of it and essentially you have what looks like an un-weighted Road Runner.

    Tip: Store these rigs in inexpensive sandwich bags. Just put one in each bag. At first I put two in each sandwich bag and it wasn't worth it, they always seem to tangle.

    Next tip: I use big clear plastic bags for everything. I throw the sandwich bags into the big bags. This way I can look through the big clear bag easily without having to take everything out and having it blow out the boat. I have two big bags like this, one for Crank Baits, and one for Long Lining rigs. I know there are all sorts of great storage devices for crank baits, but I'm cheap. I use the small snack bags for them. Snack bags for crank baits and sandwich bags for pre-tied long line rigs. Sandwich bags are deeper and that helps to get the line pushed into the bag. I tried snack bags for the Slab Rigs and they did not work so good cause there was always line trying to stick it's way out.

    Another thing I do is I have snaps on all my lines so I can switch from pulling crank baits to long lining and vice verse. Having pre-tied Slab Rigs make it real, real easy.

    Comments 77 Comments
    1. bighornrmk's Avatar
      bighornrmk -
      Looks like a good rig, will have to make up some.
    1. Blue Kilowatt's Avatar
      Blue Kilowatt -
      Looks good, I have to wait for two foot of ice to disappear to try it.
    1. dkduvall's Avatar
      dkduvall -
      Thanks, nice rig, we'll give it a go!
    1. como68's Avatar
      como68 -
      What color is that Bobby Garland STROLL'R? Thanks!
    1. Slab's Avatar
      Slab -
      Quote Originally Posted by como68 View Post
      What color is that Bobby Garland STROLL'R? Thanks!
      Bobby Garland 2.5" STROLL'R in Shiny Hiney I believe. Another thin g I do is empty all the individual packages of grubs into sandwich bags. All different colors of one style in one bag. a Slab Slay'r bag, a Baby Shad bag, a Stroll'r bag, and a Slab Dockt'r bag. I love Slab Slay'r's for dock shooting.
    1. chaunc's Avatar
      chaunc -
      Gonna tie some of these up to take on vacation with me.
    1. TETF's Avatar
      TETF -
      Thanks...always good to see how others are rigging. Sharing and helping others is always a blessing and speaks well of the individual.
    1. LaporteOutdoors's Avatar
      LaporteOutdoors -
      Should work good. Reminds me of a simple perch rig we use around here.
      You could even use a pickerel rig with those jigs!
    1. Bowhunter2's Avatar
      Bowhunter2 -
      Going to rig some up like that and give it a try when the ice comes off. Thanks.
    1. "D"'s Avatar
      "D" -
      Great idea!
    1. como68's Avatar
      como68 -
      Thanks so much.
    1. pezgirl's Avatar
      pezgirl -
      Very nice. Gonna give it a try SOON
    1. rcnickparker's Avatar
      rcnickparker -
      Do you have line twist issues on the trailer hook?
    1. Eagle 1's Avatar
      Eagle 1 -
    1. Slab's Avatar
      Slab -
      Quote Originally Posted by rcp View Post
      Do you have line twist issues on the trailer hook?
      Have not so far, the Stroll'R wobbles, does not spin. No spin issues at all even at higher speeds.
    1. prefers shiners's Avatar
      prefers shiners -
      that's pretty good info Slab......stuff like that is what makes CDC so great......thanks for sharing.....
    1. Bob9's Avatar
      Bob9 -
      Nice rig!
    1. whit5607's Avatar
      whit5607 -
      THANKS, Just what I, needed. Rookie, at this stuff.
    1. PawPaw Gene's Avatar
      PawPaw Gene -
      Thanks for sharing, I know the perfect place for me to try this and it's coming up soon.
    1. rons's Avatar
      rons -
      Like your idea, will try it.
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