• Kindness From Skiptomylu

    All I can say is WOW!!

    The kindness from members on Crappie.com compare to none, we are so blessed to have this website from Ed. I have meet a lot of great folks on here and I probably never would have meet them without this website. THANK YOU ED!!

    I saw a post that Ed had about a fish finder that a member wanted to donate to somebody who could not afford to but one. I sent him a message but that one had already been donated. I got a message from him a couple weeks later and another member(Skiptomylu) had one that he wanted to donate to the young man that I had messaged Ed about. This young man is Ricky and he has just turned 17. He has the passion for fishing like nobody I know and he just loves the outdoors. He has been on several trips with me and just loves to crappie fish.

    We are actually going to fish the crappie masters in May on Reelfoot Lake, he is in the process of trying to get in on the fishing program with Bethel College. One of the requirements is to have fished a major tournament so with us fishing it he can check that off the list.

    This young man and his family goes to church with us and they are good folks. He has been trying to save up for a fish finder but with the kindness of Skip he can mark that off the list.

    Skip only knows me from my posts on crappie.com and he does not even know Ricky. It just amazes me that folks on this website are such a close family, most of will never meet face to face and yet we are just like family. We are the crappie.com family and I'm proud to be a member of this family.

    Skip you are a Good Man with a Big Heart and I Thank You for making Ricky's day with the fish finder you sent him. Thank You!!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Kindness From Skiptomylu started by crappie4me2 View original post
    Comments 25 Comments
    1. skeetbum's Avatar
      skeetbum -
      Great story of a great deed. Skip has helped me learn to tie and finish jigs in a big way, and is a just an all around good man. It's my hope to one day meet him face to face. Attaboy Skip.
    1. dmorgan22's Avatar
      dmorgan22 -
      Makes me glad I am a member! Nice story
    1. specktacklure's Avatar
      specktacklure -
    1. ifish's Avatar
      ifish -
      That will put the fuzzies in you!
    1. GoneCrappieFishing's Avatar
      GoneCrappieFishing -
      Awesome story. Enjoyed the read and appreciate the site and member generosity shown to others.
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