Well I though again I knew! Came up with a fly reel again! Oh well. Really like Funbuns videos. Like to find a bunch of cats around here about that size. Seem's I got a bunch a couple years ago about 4 to 6 pounds but wouldn't want to use my light rods on them. Light rods I figured for bullheads and small mouth bass. Two, both with Low Profile Kastking casting reels on 6' Ugly Sticks with 6# line. Started with 4# and couldn't handle it well enough on the low profiles, 6# does real well. Boy those fish he caught would be a hoot on my light casting rods. Since getting into cats other than bullheads I found they are really good fighters. Bull heads are good eater and mostly whaat we have around here.

Hey thanks Funbun, do some more!