Be aware that casting a level wind reel can be a challenge at first. Your probably gonna go long long before your actually ready and will discover the birds nest! Your spincast will probably cast just as far, just get a longer rod to cast with and finer line. That new braided stuff is super fine line but a real pain to tie knot's with, mine always slipped. I have use only bait cast reel's for a pong pong time then last year used a light spinning reel to try for crappie, worked great. Seem's to me that if you let the line reel n loose is where the bird nest's came from with spinning reels. keep in mind, from a spinning reel the line simply falls off the reel and the bait pulls it out. With a level wind, when you cast the bait pulls the line off the spool but also makes the spool turn. Spool stop's and line quits coming out. You'll need to learn to control the spool with your thumb. Early on with the level wind, learn to toss the lure short distances and work up to longer casts. Learn to adjust it also. Release the spool with your level wind and thumb holding the spool. Take your thumb off the spool and let the lure drop to the floor pulling the spool on it's own. The lure should stop at the floor with out over running the spool. As you learn you can loosen it up more and still be in good shape but, learn to control the spool with your thumb. Level winds are great, my favorite's by a long shot!