Between 7am on Thursday and 9am on Saturday, Adam and I got in about 32 hours of fishing, and caught something around 35 carp total between us. So, we averaged about a fish an hour during our stay, with most of the better ones caught Thursday afternoon and evening.
The results included new carp PB's for both of us, with a 23lbs. fish for each, as well as three other fish that weighed over 20lbs. being caught too. Only 5 or 6 of 'em looked to be less than 10 pounds. And the average was something in the mid-teens.
It really was great time there and we look forward to returning soon!

Adam's new PB fish.
A real "chunk" it was too with a big girth on her!

About as soon as Adam's 23# was in the net, another pole got hit, resulting in a 15# for me. A spectator photographed our memorable double for us!

Got my own 23 pounder Thursday night.
A little thinner, but a little longer than Adam's fish.

The park in the bay is were we fished.
A very nice location!

A typical fish we caught.
Hard fighters!

Last catch before we packed-up this morning.
We were tired, but very well pleased!