Started my trolling yesterday morning and all of a sudden the back of the boat has 6 inches of water. A 14 foot Gruman. I turn on the bilge pump and got it down but it was still coming in some where. I moved the battery and one of the rivets was missing and water was poring in. I put my foot over the hole until most of the water was pump out. I could have finished out the morning with my foot on the hole or try to plug it. Go home and cut my trip short or do a temp repair with stuff I had on hand. Had a tube of aluminum repair that you kneed and use for a repair, it says it will work under water, it does't.

Looked through my boat bag. In the bag there was a wrapper from a Little Debbie brownie. Light bulb moment. I used a stem from a float and wrapped the stem with the wrapper. Stuck it in the hole and leaked sealed instantly. Trolled for another 4 hours and boat was bone dry.

Have to go buy some more brownies.😀😀😀😀😀