I read an article espousing puncturing the swim bladder of fish brought to the boat from deep water. I guess it wouldn't be illegal if the fish is legally caught and going into the livewell, so I guess my question is more along the lines of whether the practice is frowned at by biologists? Or is it actually helping the fish stay alive after being brought up?

As a diver, I know the dangers to humans who surface too quickly. In severe cases, the Decompression Illness results in what is known as "the bends".....but there are several forms of DCI that are less severe, but still serious. I understand the science for people.....what about fish?

That brings up another related question.....If the fisherman wants to release the fish immediately, would he be breaking the law (fish must be released "unharmed"), if he punctured the air bladder? But the fisherman believes the fish won't survive unless he does this.
