went fishing yesterday. Got on the water (Spring River) about 9:00 am and fished all day until about 6:00 pm. I caught 14 crappie and who knows how many bass. Of course a few blue gill to boot. Mrs Loop Knot bettered my numbers by some I'm sure. All that to say I'm pleased to have been able to boat a good number of crappie in a month when I'm told it's very difficult to do.

I caught them all on my discontinued Gary Yamamoto tiny ika jigs and 10ft jig poles. No electronics involved...not even a trolling motor.

A side note.... I had a package of the aforementioned jigs marinating in attractant for weeks... The attractant died them pinker than their original color, shrank them some and firmed up their solid bodies. The fished seemed to hit the jigs in their original condition more readily than the marinated version. I found that interesting.

Also...what do you guys do with any drum you catch?