At what average age and Length can Arkansas crappie reproduce?

How long do males stay on the nest?

Do they even build a nest, or just lay their eggs on something?

What is the coldest and warmest water temps they will spawn in?

Do the fry school up or split up on their own?

How's come some lakes seem to produce more Hybrid's than others?

Can a female hold her eggs or absorb her eggs?

What is the deepest recorded depth they have been found spawning in?

How long do the males wear their Tux's?

What is the average time a male and female will stay together?

Is it true that crappie can reach a certain age and become infertile?

How long do eggs take to hatch.

I have heard a male crappie releases a chemical reaction to attract females, I have also heard the female picks the location and the male builds the nest where the female wants it. Is this true?

So many great questions about the spawn, please give your input. if you know the answers. Maybe D-10 can help out to.