Hey Everyone next Saturday is our ONE BIG CRAPPIE only and The Free Kids tournament. See below for the rules this an open tournament with a little different format of rules we wanted to do have this tournament for kids and added a little fun in for the adults as well! let me know if you have any questions?

April 2nd 2016
Lake Dardanelle 1 BIG CRAPPIE ONLY and The Free Kids fishing Tournament Rules and Information
NO membership required to fish in either class
You can fish from the shore or a boat for either class but you must fish on Lake Dardanelle and the fish you weigh in must be from Lake Dardanelle.
Kid’s tournament is a free entry, prizes and plaques will be awarded to every kid that shows up and we will have plaques for the top three finishers. Kids must be under 16 years of age to fish in the kid’s tournament. Each Child will weigh in one fish per Child and it can be a BASS, CRAPPIE, BREAM, OR CATFISH.
1 BIG CRAPPIE ONLY is an Open tournament open to all ages and entry fees are $30 PER PERSON and no club membership is required for this tournament only. This is an open tournament so you can use as many rod and reels the law allows but Crappie to be considered for Big Crappie must be caught on a rod and reel. Examples of non-acceptable ways to fish in this tournament are Yo-Yo’s, Trotlines, or Jug fishing, You can only weigh your Crappie one time and no sharing fish with other competitors.
Each Participate in the 1 BIG CRAPPIE tournament can weigh in 1 Crappie only and it needs to be alive. Payout for this Tournament will be 100% payback and payout will be based on a 1 in 5 scale.
Registration will be from 7am-730am and fishing hours are from 730am to 1230pm and weigh in will start at 1pm and weigh in line will close at 130pm. Registration and weigh in will be at the Illinois park boat ramp located off HWY 64. We will be set up on the top of the hill in the overflow parking area.