Learning new techniques, improving existing ones, learning new lakes, meeting new people, learning how the "Pro's Do It", etc., etc.

Guys, one of the best ways to do this is for several people to gather, fish the same lake the same day and then share how they produced larger fish and numbers. This is exactly what tournament fishing is all about.

I realize not everyone can run the "Pro Trails" and can afford the larger entry fees, but a smaller tournament trail with lower fees and a much more informal format is a good way to accomplish this.

The Mississippi guys have "Fruit Jar" tournaments and they are very successful and I would like to see how many people would be interested in having a few tournaments similar to theirs here in Arkansas.

We could have a one day tournament on various lakes with a small entry (maybe $50.00 per team?) with a 100% payback to 1 in 5 boats. The other piece to the tournament is that we ask the winning team or top two teams to share how they fished, where they fished, presentaion, bait choice, etc. Kind of an interview of sorts after the weigh-in.

Bates and Field and Stream in Mayflower has agreed to help sponsor a tournament in various ways if one was to be held on Lake Conway. I believe we have enough anglers in Arkansas interested to hold some 15-20 boat tournaments.

Sorry to ramble, but as a "Pro-Staffer" I would like to see some of these type tournaments and help in anyway I can. I don't mind taking the lead on this if there is enough interest.

Let me know what you think.