The Centerpoint FFA will be partnering with the Corp of Engineers to build approximately 160 bamboo crappie condos. These condos will be placed in Lake Degray and Lake Greeson. This project has already been approved by the Corp. They will be providing the concrete, while the FFA will provide the buckets, bamboo, and manpower.

All of the spots where crappie condos are dropped will be marked by GPS. The Corp will make these coordinates available to the public. I'll make sure to get them and post the waypoints on here.

I will be the one coordinating the logistics of this project. Starting off, I'm trying to find plenty of 5 gallon buckets and bamboo. We'll probably cut a lot of the bamboo off of my property, but I'm sure we'll need more. I'm pretty sure the school cafeteria and a local bakery can supply us with enough buckets. (I hope!)

This should be a great learning experience for the students. I'll try to keep everyone updated on the progress of this project.

*pending my high school principals approval, which shouldn't be a problem*