I'm looking for changes or additions. Let me know what you think. Here's the first thread this evolved from.

Crappie.com Rules or How to be a Crappie.com Approved Fisherman.
Common sense and courtesy MUST prevail above all else.
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Follow all local, state and federal laws.

1 - Boating
ALWAYS have children wear life jackets,
ALWAYS have the kill switch in.
ALWAYS help those in distress or in need of assistance.
ALWAYS wear your life vest when running or in inclement weather.
ALWAYS check to ensure your boat lights work, including your trailer lights.
ALWAYS have a fire extinguisher on your motorized boat.
ALWAYS have a whistle or something that will get attention in emergency

Make sure you're ready to launch BEFORE you pull up to the ramp and when you come back, pull away from ramp to finish unloading and tying down.
ALWAYS offer to help at the ramp; don't forget, we all had to learn to load/unload our boats, easier for some, not so for others.
Respect the shoreline, meaning if you are going out in a no wake zone and there are homes on that bank then we shouldn't push big wakes to eat their bank away.
Respect shore fishermen, keep clear of their lines.
Respect pleasure boaters and Jet Skiers, they have as much right to be on the water as you, they are having fun just like you are.
Leave a Flight Plan, especially if you go out fishing alone. Tell a friend where you are going, and for how long.
Take a boater safety class.

2 Environmental

If you see it pick it up even if it's not yours. Carry a litter bag with you.
Respect of the outdoors and the environment on every trip out.
ALWAYS leave it cleaner than when you found it.

3 Fishing

ALWAYS observe slot limits as well as fish limits.
ALWAYS have a fishing license.
Do not throw across another person's line.
Do not crowd someone already fishing, be courteous and avoid interfering with their fishing.

“I know that if a boat is stationary fishing and I am trolling off that bank then I will stop before I reach them and turn around or will just go around them.”

4 Be Nice, Be Courteous, be a Crappie.com Approved Fisherman
Keep your language appropriate for children.
Teach others about fishing. Share what you know
Take a child fishing. “Teach them what you know at their level of understanding.”

“When fishing with young children be prepared to come off the water when they begin to show signs of boredom and restlessness.”
“If you take a kid fishing, find joy in making it their day. Also remember, your joy is contagious and breeds their enthusiasm for the sport.”