I'm looking at purchasing a Fine Tail Area Trout rod this year and would like to find a reel to use with it. I'd love to get a JDM reel as well, but that's not an option since I'm getting the rod.

Are there any reels state side that I could consider that would have a shallow spool or super shallow spool? Looking at a 1000 size or possibly 2000 size. I've also tried to find spools for my Revros LT, but haven't found anything.

The main reason is I'd like to try some Varivas ester line. If I can't give find a reel or spool for my Revros, I'll just use backing on it, just don't really want to do that. If I had a line counter it would make things a lot easier.

One last thing, since I just remembered, is there a specific tool to use to check and set your drag?

TIA and tight lines!