Quote Originally Posted by yoloboie View Post
Hey Randy any advice on landing big fish that you mentioned on these UL rods besides setting drag very loose? Do i need to be extremely considerate of rod tip high vs low when reeling in?
Skeet pretty much has said what I would have said. You know I get comments all the time about a loose drag. But those comments come from folks who have no idea what it is like to fish true 2# test line and in some cases less. I can also tell you these rods can take a lot of pressure when fighting a fish. They are tougher than most folks think. I have told the story before when my late nephew was in the boat with me and I hooked into a 30 pound drum using the Tict Ice Cube Rockin Drift. It was a long battle and my nephew was shying back away from me as I had the rod bent into a U. He thought it was going to break…and so did I. I was using SOS 2# test that day and of course it is not true to it’s rating….it breaks at 3.75-4 pounds. I have had the same experience with many of the other JDM UL rods I own. I have never broken one of these rods on a fish. As long as one doesn’t get stupid…..correct drag setting…and don’t go too high or low you will be fine.


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