This is really taking me back a long ways. You guys got me back as far as East Lake on here. I'm 75 and started fishing East Lake with my step dad when I was about 4! Now I spotted a post about using braid on a UL. Take me back to Germany in the service. Got my first UL at the base Rod and Gun Club at Sembach AFB. Bunch of us fished the R&G lakes a lot for stocked trout, only game in town! We used 4# line on those rods back then, that would be my 308 with 3206 Garcia rod. Well we got crazy, it was to easy so we decided to see if we could find lighter line. We did. Not in the way your thinking though. got it at the Base Exchange, crystal sewing thread. On out fish scale it tested out under 1# a bit but, it did work. taught you not to set the hook to hard!

Then some years later living in Colorado I took that old 308 Mitchell with the crystal sewing thread on it fishing in a small pond neat Ft Collins for Blue Gill. It worked very well, well at least they didn't break off as easily as 8" trout!

I've never found that crystal sewing thread anywhere else again, sort of miss the stuff. Would be great on Blue Gills!