I fished Cotaco on Friday, lots of small fish, but only 6 that would measure. I meet a nice gentleman fishing old school from a little Flat Bottom with an old, old hand crack outboard. He was on the nose of the boat sculling with a single paddle while dipping brush using a fly rod with the other hand. For the youngsters that haven't seen this art form, before trolling motors this was how you moved around short distances without making noise. Looks almost like waving the paddle back and forth in the water slowly, but by changing the angle you get forward movement. I watch him pull keepers off laydown in from of me, then fish my old water still catching them.

As I've said before, if you want to get schooled it won't be from someone in a $30,000 boat full of electronics. It will be from an old man in a flat bottom!

The water is down about 5 feet with almost no current, visibility of about 18 inches below the Sharps Ford Bridge, about 24 inches above and 55 degrees. Baitfish schools and Skipjack were everywhere below the bridge all the way to the river.