Would like to ask for you guys to be in prayer for my wife, please. She had a miscarriage back in July and a subsequent procedure to help clear that up. There have been some complications since then and this week she saw an oncologist for what they believe is a rare form of cancer called GTD. Basically her body continues to produce abnormal tissue that is causing the problems she’s having. The plan from here is a 2nd procedure to remove the abnormal tissue and then, if the diagnosis comes back confirming the doctor’s prognosis, then she will have to take chemotherapy in pill form. The positive news in all this is that this particular cancer type has a 99.9% cure rate per the doc. Still, it’s unsettling as she’s only 32 and we’ve got a 4 year old and 1 year old. Prayers please for her and for me as I walk through it with her and we figure out what life looks like from here as parents. We trust that God will be glorified through this no matter what, but we’re praying first that it wouldn’t be cancer and that if it is she will kick its butt!

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