Y’all, I had the best day of crappie fishing of my life last week. Got invited to go get in the boat with a local legend on Bear Creek, and boy did we catch some fish. Ended up trolling all day with some custom 1/32 jigs with blades and grubs. Brought in 47 keepers, threw back at least 20 shorties (to include some under 10” as we were hunting the bigger ones by the afternoon), and caught another 20-30 stripe/bluegill/channel cats. They were staging in 6-8 FOW holding to stumps on the bottom. There was no wind to speak of. Couldn’t have been a more perfect day. I’ve talked to him every day since then (Tuesday) and he’s caught 30 each day. It is absolutely on fire over there right now and should be for another week or so. I’ve got the fishing fever now!