I've been reading various posts on this forum about using livescope and other new technologies. It keeps making me think about a time several years ago when I went to Texas with some good friends to deer hunt. We all got in a stand and about daylight an automatic feeder came on and deer suddenly appeared from every where. There were some very nice bucks in the group but somehow I just didn't want to shoot one. Felt like it was no challenge. I worry that technology is going to be the demise of our sport. When it gets so easy it will cease to be fun. I would not enjoy fishing in a trout farm. Also many of us on this forum worry about fishing pressure and over fishing our lakes and new technologies will allow more anglers to take more of our resources out of our waters. It seems to be the mindset of our society that everything should come easy or be given without much work or effort. I deal with this entitled attitude from kids every day. Most good anglers have put in a lot of effort and time and have gained knowledge through experience including some failure. But when you had that great day it created a memory that would last forever. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to a little technology. My Gps is the most important tool I have. It is invaluable as over the years I have begin to expand my fishing areas in the Louisiana Delta and could not do so without it. I just feel we need to give the creatures that God blessed us with a sporting chance and I worry that we are almost to the point where they don't. I have always had a competitive attitude and want to catch the limit everytime I go but being honest I don't need to. I don't need the meat and I need the lessons in humility. Since Daddy went to live with Jesus I have not gotten to go fishing one time because I've had so much to deal with. I am going to Cocodrie the day after Christmas and I don't if I don't catch a thing. I am going to relax a bit and enjoy some fellowship and God's creation and I might catch a fish or two.