Got to Weiss before sunrise and long lined hot grubs on 1/24 till lunch time with only 8 keepers out of 50 fish being caught. We decided to take out and go to Neely since it was on the way home. We long lined same setup but were still catching short fish and so was everyone else we talked to. We were picking up a keeper here and there and it started getting late in the day so we decided to concentrate on one spot that was producing keepers. I went to turn the boat around so we could hit the spot again and kicked up the speed on the trolling motor to make the turn and bam. All 6 poles had fish on them so left the trolling motor alone and we were trolling at 1.8 mph and that was the ticket. We ended the day with 26 keepers from Neely. I had been trolling at .7 to .9 mph all day and they wanted them hot grubs moving faster. Not a bad day fighting hurricane force winds all day.