Quote Originally Posted by gunwhatgun View Post
I made one of these about 2 years ago. Mine has the addition of a few XT-60 connectors so I could use it for a field box for another hobby of mine, and I also added an aircraft style master toggle. The kind that you have to pull out to switch on. It keeps the battery meter and blue leds on the usb ports from being a phantom draw on the battery and gives it a few points for just looking cool lol. a few weeks ago we had a power outage and Mrs. GWG was worried about charging her phone, I trotted out to the garage and come in with this contraption and saved the evening. We charged two phones and powered a LED lantern until the electricity was back on.

A few years ago we had rolling blackouts due to a severe winter taxing our power grid. This went on for 5 days. We would have electricity for a hour and then nothing for three hours. I really wish I had one then because it would have made my life easier. I thought about this last night and ordered another 30ah battery because it will fit in the same box. It's a very useful tool.