I do really appeciate everyone's input, advice and thoughts. I had a lot of people tell me to just go fish Hartwell, Russell, Clark Hill or one of the other lakes (all primo Crappie lakes and not terribly far away, though not in my backyard either) and to forget about the Crappie on my "home lake", but I've been pretty stubborn and have refused to do that because I'm confident that for a really dedicated and smart angler, that Crappie CAN be caught here fairly regularly and some big ones. Now I'm even more excited to get out and get after it again. The only problem that I have is that I sometimes fish with other guys who don't particularly care about Crappie and just want to catch something (the lake is a very good Spotted bass lake), so they aren't as inclined as I am to patiently plug away for hours, hoping to catch a Crappie or three in the hopes of learning something on that particular day. I'll keep after it; I'm not going anywhere.......