As a follow up, after all the family obligations, and open houses were out of the way, I was able to sneak off to Lake Michigan Saturday evening. Mostly to tests all my salmon gear for the big lake.

Well, Lake Michigan must have missed me because she offered up an AWESOME fishing trip, I will never forget.

While solo and testing my gear, I went 5/9 and was done with a legal limit of 5 King Salmon by 8:30pm.
It is only the second time in my life, I have caught my limit of Kings while Solo fishing.

Sunday was a "Shock Day" still shocked that I caught 5 kings, but not shocked enough to NOT WANT to GRILL them up and eat.

I heard possible rumor that the "Crappie King" this year was rigged, something to do with the mail in ballots addressed from Portland, and Ionia.
Going to ahve to ask Jerry how many last names Becky really has........???????.....???????