I have an Allstar Dock shooter, the B&M sharpshooter, The Wally Marshall Speed shooter and the ACC crappie stick. They are all pretty similar in performance. The ACC rods are a little stiffer with a faster action. They all are tied with different colors and on ready on the deck. I can rotate through them and they are similar in how they shoot for me. I also have a bargain barrel Matzou that will shoot along with them. I started with short rods, them evolved to long 7' to 7'6 rods. I have now settled on 6' rods as they seem to be the most utilitarian of the bunch. After shooting a bunch of rods I all comes down to personal preference. I do preference the light or medium light rods just for the advantage of throw the jig farther under the dock. I look at dock shooting as more of a finesse tactic for presured fish. If I can get a few feet farther under the dock than than the guy in front of me. Than I am getting in front of fish that haven't seen a bait in the last 30 minutes.